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Showing posts from September, 2020

Sexual and reproductive rights in India

  “Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights” -HILLARY CLINTON   Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) mean that you should be able to make your own decision s about your body and have all necessary information regarding it. You should have access to sexual and reproductive health services, you should have the right to choose who you want to marry and whether you want to have children or not and if yes, then how many and when . It also means that our lives should be free from all forms of sexual violence, including rape, female genital mutilation, forced pregnancy, forced abortion and forced sterilization. SRHR is a concept that Indians, and South Asians are largely ignorant and aloof about. The taboo around topics like sex and sexuality is the root cause for the many issues people, especially women, face daily. Reproductive health means a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of repr...

Positive thinking and Mental Health

  Mental health is that aspect of our life which most of us tend to neglect. Mental health includes our psychological, emotional, behavioural and social well-being. It is a state of mind in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. In recent times people are focusing more towards their growth, they are being more productive and are building stairs to move progressively in this direction. It’s not wrong to say that everyone enjoys success and wishes to climb up the ladder through the norms of success that have been set within society however this success brings a lot of pressure on our minds- pressure of more productivity and to always stay on top of our game. What we fail to realize here is that more pressure on our mind-set brings more stress and negativity. Thoughts play a significant role in our mental activity. They also produce feelings...

Why are we so obsessed with fair skin? By Ekanki Kasnia

  Looking at the anti-racism protests happening across the globe, I have a question for everyone out there, do we, as a society, really accept dark skinned people? As a citizen of India, my answer is NO. Each one of us has, at some point in time, made statements like 'You look tanned' or 'Her features are good but she is dark skinned'. For centuries, the prejudice against dark skin has been omnipresent in the society and has been engrained in the mind-sets of people.   Unilever unveiled Fair and Lovely which further added to the obsession with fair skin fir ages conditioning narratives on how fair skin was what is truly desirable. According to their website, Fair and Lovely is 'one of the most trusted brands for young women in India'. In 2019, the industry had a total revenue of around Rs 3,000 crore, according to the Indian Fairness Cream and Bleach Market Overview (2018 - 2023). Market Revenues were expected to reach Rs 5000 Crore by 2023.   These skin...